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Online access to old literature


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Online access to old literature (especially on Myriapoda)

For all taxonomists old books and other papers provide serious problems, as they are necessary for resarch, but usually libaries no longer allow the loan and  copy of such old things. The only way to give free access to these important sources of information is to put them on the Internet. Several initiatives exist,  (e.g. BHL) and the GloMyrIS project provides his own contribution by making several old papers, mainly on Myriapods, but also on Arachnida, available to the scientific community. One has to keep in mind that every act of digitalisation is harmful for the literature involved and it is not self-evident that a libary provides books and reprints for such an initiative. The following files mainly originate from original books and reprints of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, and we whish to express our thanks Dr. Juliane Diller, the scientist resposible for the library, and the library assistant Mrs. Eva Karl, for their help and obligingness.

Unfortunately the SysTax-Server of the University of Ulm has been cut off. For that reason this service is no longer available.


List of available papers

Various papers from authors, A-Z

The table work of Antonio Berlese

Books and papers of Carl Ludwig Koch and his son Ludwig Koch



last changes: Jörg Spelda, 08.11.2023

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