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The GloMyrIS project

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Glomeris malmivaga  The project name GloMyrIS derives from Global Myriapod Information System. As well it is a pun to the pill-millipede genus Glomeris, which pleases all friends of invertebrates with its nice colour patterns.



Aim of the project

With their high tendency for endemism, myriapods, especially millipedes, are one of the most important group for biogeographic and biodiversity research. But because of the few specialist which work on this group worldwide, the scientific potential of myriapods cannot be exploited as necessary. To change this, the GloMyrIS project was initiated to collect worldwide information about the four myriapod classes Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla and to provide this information to the scientific community.

For whom are the results of GloMyrIS interesting?

  • For all people, who want to identify a myriapod!
  • For all people, who want to know the valid name, the synonyms and the taxonomic position of a myriapod.
  • For taxonomic research to get all the necessary information, which subtaxa of a given taxon have been described, where they have been described (primary and secondary sources), which are the important characters and where the type material is deposited. The GloMyrIS project will facilitate identifications and specialists will be able to provide new descriptions sooner.
  • For faunistic research, to get the information if a given taxon is present in a country and which material is present in museum collections.
  • For biodiversity research to get the information how many taxa of a given level occur in a given area.

And for this we have build up the SysMyr datasbase with its webservice!

This is a worldwide, continuously updated database of myriapods citations, providing a global species catalogue. Now this product reacts as taconomic backbone for Diplopoda, Pauropoda and Symphyla in the Catalogue of Life, and is funded GSD (Global Species Database) partner in the EU-project 4D4Life (Distributed Dynamic Diversity Databases of Life).

This work happens in close cooperation with the  former Milli-Peet project of Petra Sierwald (Field Museum, Chicago). The generic catalogue of Diplopoda provided by her served as a base for the taxonomic backbone of our database.

During the first period of GBIF-Germany the task of GloMyrIS was to collect information of  myriapod types housed in German museum. As shown below, the most important information gap concerns the Verhoeff collection at the Zoological State Collection of Bavaria at Munich. For this reason we focused our work on this collection.

Internet portal

To provide the information collected in this project to the scientific community, we had a partnership with the SYSTAX-project at the University of Ulm.

If you have questions to a given myriapod taxon like:

  • Where can I find (taxonomic) literature?
  • Can you show me figures (of important characters)?
  • Can you show me a short diagnosis?
  • Can you show me gene sequences?
  • Where can I find material?
  • Where are the types?
  • Where does the taxon occur?

You might lookup the SYSTAX program and you will hopefully get the answer (although it is outdated since 2006).

If you want to know if a name already exist, you might look up the  Service for Myriapodologist.

If you have an urgent question, please don't hesitate to contact us. Perhaps we don't have the time to answer you at once, but sooner or later you will get the answer either on our webpages or by mail.


The GloMyrIS working group

last changes: Jörg Spelda 15.12.2015

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