GBIF-Deutschland präsentiert das neue Virtuelle Herbarium Deutschland. Das Virtuelle Herbarium ist eine gemeinschaftliche Präsentation bedeutender Herbarien Deutschlands und basiert auf modernster GBIF-Technologie. Virtuell bedeutet, dass Menschen aus Forschung, Bildung, Umweltwissenschaften sowie interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger digitalisierte Pflanzenbelege bequem am Rechner untersuchen können ohne die weiten Wege in die einzelnen Herbarien auf sich nehmen zu müssen.
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The GloMyrIS working group
Dr. Jörg Spelda is postdoctoral research scientist and acts as project leader. He is responsible for taxonomic questions and database management. He is interested in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and ecology of myriapods all over the world.
Dipl.-Biol. Ulla Oliveira-Biener is a PhD student. She had worked on crabs before and is very skilled on DNA taxonomy.
Dipl.-Biol. Sebastian Swoboda is a zoological systematicist with a strong interest in ecological issues. His main fields of work are the processing of subproject collections and the processing of subproject data.
Dipl.-Biol. Tobias Maier has a focus on ecology and different taxa of animals and plants. His job is to separating specimens from different projekts, doing the geographical localisation of sampling-areas and trap-positions and administrating parameters of position and environment from literature.
Marc Ritzerfeld started as volunteer during the first funding period of GBIF-D. He is now fixed employee and works on digitization of micropreparations and data input for the team.
Cand. rer. nat. Julian Augusteyns is a candidate at the section. He is working on the millipede genus Ochogona and has just finished a fine final year project on this subject.
Dr. Hans Reip is a member of the working group of German speaking Myriapodologists. He is responsible for the literature database of this working group and contributed a lot of corrections and scans for the corresponding GBIF Myriapod literature database.
Prof. Dr. Roland Melzer is the head of the section "Arthropoda varia" and acts as coordinator. He is interested in the morphology, phylogeny and biology of many arthropod groups.
Prof. Dr. Petra Sierwald is working on the Millibase project, a partner of the SysMyr database. Both databases share a common pool of records.
Prof. Dr. Sergei Golovatch is one of the top specialists in milliped taxonomy. He acts a mentor for this project. He has done much basic work, which will be incorporated in this project.
former members of the team
Dipl.-Biol. Christian Pilz has made his diploma thesis at the section. He was responsible for the recording (data input) of collection data. In his diploma work he was working on species separation in the centipede genus Lithobius.
Dipl-Biol. Markus Unsöld was formerly responsible for the recording (data input) of possible type material. Now he has moved to the ornithology section where he is now section leader. His main project is now the repatriation of the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita).
Jasmin Herden has been worked in the team during her ecological voluntary year at the section. She digitizied micropreparations and papers.
last changes: Ulla Biener 01.06.2012