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GIS applications and barcoding

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Cartography of the Bavarian Fauna and Barcoding Fauna Bavarica

Georeferencing of collection material will be the focus of GBIF Germany in the present years. This will certainly promote international projects on cartography and biodiversity. The node Evertebrates II is active in this dicipline for several years and plans to provide a significant input on this topic during the project run between 2011 and 2013, based on the collections of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, the cartography projects of Dr. Jörg Spelda and published records.

The node Evertebrates II is cooperation partner of the project Edaphobase - a GBIF-database of soil zoology with the focus of recording millipedes and centipedes in southern Germany. Edaphobase, as a geographical information system (GIS), should allow to blend distribution with  local properties. But also the IT Center of the Bavarian Natural History Collections is presently implementing a Diversity GIS Editor which improves the facilities of the node Evertebrates II.

Amother example of cooperation with the node Evertebrates II involved are the  distribution maps of the German Arachnida, which integrate local cartography projects, e.g.  the Arachnida of Bavaria

There are also tight junctions to the International Barcode of Life (iBOL), with the outstanding pilot project Barcoding Fauna Bavarica of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology.

The node Invertebrates II is supporting Barcoding Fauna Bavarica right from the beginning. The species stock comprises at the moment over 80 % of the millipedes and 65 % of the centipedes recorded for Bavaria, not only providing genetic barcodes but also digital images of high quality, often taken in their natural environment. For millipedes the node Invertebrates II is even contributor  number two within BOLD.

You want to know more about our project? Then read:
Spelda, J.; Reip, H. S,; Oliveira Biener, U.; Melzer, R. R. (2011):
Barcoding Fauna Bavarica: Myriapoda – a contribution to DNA sequence-based identifications of centipedes and millipedes (Chilopoda, Diplopoda). ZooKeys 156: 123-139, doi: 10.3897/zookeys.156.2176 and papers cited therein.


Last changes: Jörg Spelda, 15.12.2015

Virtuelles Herbarium Deutschland mit GBIF-Technologie

GBIF-Deutschland präsentiert das neue Virtuelle Herbarium Deutschland. Das Virtuelle Herbarium ist eine gemeinschaftliche Präsentation bedeutender Herbarien Deutschlands und basiert auf modernster GBIF-Technologie. Virtuell bedeutet, dass Menschen aus Forschung, Bildung, Umweltwissenschaften sowie interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger digitalisierte Pflanzenbelege bequem am Rechner untersuchen können ohne die weiten Wege in die einzelnen Herbarien auf sich nehmen zu müssen.

Deutscher Wissenschaftler mit internationalem GBIF Ebbe-Nielsen-Forschungspreis geehrt

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Mehr als eine Milliarde Biodiversitätsdaten in GBIF

06/07/2018 - 13:30

Am 4. Juli 2018 durchbrach GBIF die Schallmauer von einer Milliarde Biodiversitätsdaten.

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